616 Poplar Street
Bellevue, Kentucky 41073
Admin: (859) 261 – 1122
Fax: (859) 261 – 0436
Dispatch: (859) 292 – 3622
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Click HERE for the 2023 comprehensive report
The Bellevue Police Department provides 24-hour police protection for the City of Bellevue, Kentucky, which is located in the northernmost portion of Campbell County. The department employs 11 full-time sworn officers, as well as a police clerk. Calls for service are dispatched to the officers from the Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center (CCCDC), which is located at 998 Monmouth Street, Newport, Kentucky. CCCDC dispatches all calls for police and fire service to all agencies and departments in Campbell County.
The Bellevue Police Department stands committed to providing professional police service to our community.
OFFICE HOURS: Weekdays 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Bellevue Police Department is a state accredited agency and stands committed to providing professional police service to our community.
Career Highlights
Lieutenant McClain has over 20 years of public service and started is police career with the Bellevue Police Department in 2010. Prior to policing Lt. McClain served in the United States Navy from 2000 to 2005 completing 2 deployments to the Persian Gulf. After the Navy he served as a dispatcher for the NKU Police Department; and then as a Deputy Jailer and the Campbell County Detention Center. In 2012 he was made the departments first full time detective and investigated several major cases. In 2015 he was promoted to sergeant, and then to Lieutenant in 2018 and currently serves as the Assistant Chief. During his time with Bellevue he has been awarded two Impaired Driving Enforcement Awards, and one Occupant Protection Enforcement Award. Lt. McClain is also a member of the Campbell County Fire Investigation Team.
Boone County High School
Department of Criminal Justice Training: Telecommunications Academy
Department of Criminal Justice Training: Police Academy Class #416
Department of Criminal Justice Training: Academy of Police Supervision Class #65
Gateway Community College, Associate of Applied Science: Criminal Justice
Department of Criminal Justice Training: Criminal Justice Executive Development Class #22
Thomas More University, Bachelor of Arts: Criminal Justice
Career Highlights Colleen has served as police clerk since 2005 and is usually the first person the public speaks with when they come in our call. Prior to joining the Bellevue Police Department Colleen worked for the largest mental health agency in Greater Cincinnati in the vocational department for over 12 years. Prior to that Colleen was fortunate enough to be able to stay at home and raise her 2 children. Early on in Colleens career her she and another clerk form the Alexandria Police Department started the first Police Clerk Association of Northern KY. It was for police clerks in the Northern KY area that met quarterly and exchanged ideas and it was a great networking tool for education and learning how other departments operated. Colleen enjoys her job because everyday is different and exciting. A lot has changed in the past 16 years, but she finds her work very rewarding and enjoys it immensely. Education Colleen attended St. Thomas High School. Upon it closing, she finished her Senior year at Our Lady of Providence and later took some classes at NKU. When Colleen began working for BPD 16 years ago, she attended police clerk training at DOCJT. The program was new and she was the second class to graduate from it.