This page provides several forms through which you can begin generating a service request or offer feedback to the City of Bellevue. Please hover over and click on the title of the action you would like to take below. We will respond to your request as soon as we can. Thank you.
Please use this form to send ideas, suggestions, or other feedback to Bellevue staff. You may also inquire about a service request using the form.
* indicates required field
As a public entity, the City of Bellevue remains an open and transparent government agency. As such, most records and information that we deal with are considered public and open. We have established a protocol for those who wish to examine public records. You may also use the form below to begin generating a public information request.
* indicates required field
If you represent an organization, you may use this form to submit a request to reserve and use the Callahan Community Center, which has two conference rooms: one large and one small. Requests are honored based on availability and the order in which they are received.
* indicates required field