Headshot of Tom McDaniel, Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Bellevue, Kentucky

Tom McDaniel

Code Enforcement Officer

Tom McDaniel has been Bellevue’s Code Enforcement Officer since May 2019. Tom, who served in law enforcement for 22 years, was a Blue Ash Ohio Officer and Detective from 1975 to 1985; and served as Chief of the Harrison Ohio Police Department from 1985 to 1990. After retiring from law enforcement Tom worked as a code enforcement officer for the City of Covington for 4 years. While quality customer service to the residents of Bellevue remains paramount to Tom, he handles all code enforcement issues within Bellevue’s limits.

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Code Enforcement Board

The Bellevue Code Enforcement Board is established under city ordinances 35.90 through 35.104. The Board meets regularly on the 4th Thursday of the month. An additional hearing date can be set if the need arises.

The Code Enforcement Board hears evidence of code violations after a citation has been issued and the property owner contests the citation in writing or fails to pay the minimum fine.

  • The usual sequence for code enforcement is that a code violation is reported to the Code Enforcement Officer or an official witnesses a code violation.
  • The Code Enforcement Officer conducts an onsite inspection to determine if a code violation exists. If the violation does exist the official issues a Notice of Violation (NOV) with information for the property owner to abate the violation and provides a specific time frame to complete the abatement.
  • The official re-inspects the property after the time frame has expired. If the violation(s) still exists the official will issue a citation. The citation provides information for the property owner to contest the violations in front of the Code Enforcement Board or to pay a minimum fine.
  • A letter is sent to those property owners put on the Code Enforcement Board’s docket detailing the place, date and time of the hearing.
  • If the property owner fails to pay the minimum fine or contest the citation the case is then presented to the Code Enforcement Board for their final order.
  • The Code Enforcement Board’s findings are sent by US Mail to the applicable property owner after the hearing.
  • The Code Enforcement Board’s finding become final after a statutory time limit.
  • The failure to pay the fine accessed by the Code Enforcement Board will result in a lien being placed against the property.
  • For a current list of Active Bellevue Property liens, click HERE.

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Form-Based Code Info

In March of 2011 the City implemented a form-based code in several areas of the city. These areas are represented as “T” zones on the Zoning Map. The regulations for the form-based code can be found here. Below are some of the studies and documents that were developed during the city’s public input sessions on the code. Please note that any maps presented in the following documents do not reflect the current zoning of property. Illustrations are for planning and discussion purposes only.


Bellevue Comprehensive Plan

The City is currently in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan. Check this page for new documents as they are released pertaining to the new plan. To download a copy of the existing 2008 Comprehensive Plan, Click Here. The tables associated with the Comprehensive Plan of 2008 can be downloaded here.